...on what, you might ask? Oh, all the usual... like Mikey's whirlwind trip to Orlando and to Star Wars Celebration VI... his and his kid's visit to the zoo... and to Madagascar 3... Charlie Sheen's extended contract... Seth Green's new show... Michael Keaton as a villian... drinking Yum-E Tummies... Joss Whedon's pilot... the Demi Lovato's Tweet of the Week... Tone Loc's latest babymamadrama... and somehow, we spend ten minutes on the career of Kate Hudson. Don't ask why, just go with it.
Mikey brings back a repeat offender to his Music Minute... we give you Minus the Bear
Our Big Three discusses favorite on-screen couples, with movies like "Star Wars
More movies discussed include "Field of Dreams
Next week, join the show when we take on The Big Three 4th Movies in a series... Mikey has more crap... a new Buried Treasure pops up... and more fun and frivolity... thats on The Deucecast Episode LXIX: The Deucecast Saga: Podcast Eclipse