And to kick off November and the holiday season, Friend of the Show, Delightful Guest Jennifer Kaufman calls in!
A rousing round of Chronology occurs, with categories like "Saving Private Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan", "You Can Do EEET" and "AB-Solutely Fabulous". Pinky dominates this game... can he keep it up?
The topic on this episode all revolves around one of the major food groups -- coffee. Coffee scenes in movies, to be exact. Scenes from "You've Got Mail" and "Airplane" and "Glengarry Glen Ross" and more... and Dave's spot-off impersonation of Jimmy in "Pulp Fiction"
Then, the guys pay off MikeTober, where Mikey takes on the horror movies assigned and seen this past few weeks, with Carrie, Phantasm and more. Which will be his favorite??
Finally, Pinky discusses A Fish Called Wanda in this month's Pretty in Pink.
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