The Deucecast Movie Show crew has returned after a week off, and they are ready to rumble when it comes to movies. First up, Mikey, Dave, and #TwitterlessDrEarl take a look at the recent Oscar nominations and give their thoughts -- surprises, expectations, snubs, and a few predictions.
Next, a longer discussion on the recent release of the four hour Zack Snyder's Justice League, how it's better, some of the differences, and thoughts on the Josstice League by comparison.
Then, an episode long round of See This Not That, looking at 15 members of the Zack Snyder's Justice League cast and picking for each a movie to "See This" and then a movie to "Not That", from JK Simmons to Robin Wright to Diane Lane to Jason Mamoa (and even a little Jason MaNO-AH). And of course, Dave's girlfriend, Amy Adams.
Sprinkled amongst the listings are this year's Deucie Award nominations - Popcorn Movie, Animated Feature, Drama, Comedy, Acting nods, Director, Picture and all of those. The 8th annual Deucie Awards commence in just a few weeks.
Finally, the movies for watching, assigned to #TwitterlessButNotDiscordlessDrEarl, for this year's SpirituEarl... films with a religious or Christian bend to the them, movies he will watch and report back on in a few weeks.