Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Episode 364: The Best Best Picture Winners

Oscar nominations are out!  Mikey, Dave, and #TwitterlessDrEarl spend an hour full of Oscar talk... and the fun thing is that when the recording of this episode happens, nominations aren't out yet.

So the guys get to make bold predictions on Oscar noms that have already happened now.  Who swings and misses wildly?  Who calls an Animated nom?  And who was the genius who called the Bradley Cooper snub and only 7 nominations for Star is Born??

Dr Earl also pontificates on a recent viewing of M. Night's sophomore effort "Unbreakable" (of which the recent "Glass" is a sequel to), a re-watch after about 12 or 15 years.

Then the Denzel game makes a stirring comeback, with shout outs to Mila Kunis, James Franco, and Mikey's Boo K-Cost, and who could forget Chuckles the Ape...

The top five this go-round takes a look at all the Academy Award Best Picture winners, including a look at the Godfather, the life-ness of Talia Shire, and what is the Good Dinosaur of Mobster movies... a rundown of the other movies that didn't win in the same year of the movies selected... some hot Sidney Poitier talk... the importance of Titanic in Dave's life...

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