Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Episode 635: The Extra Stuff

The My Favorite Summer series takes a slight break this week, but not to give a classic episode... this week, d$, Mikey, and #XlessDrEarl drops in your lap a bunch of extra content...

First, the Deucies Reaction Show -- friends of the show, Garrison "Pride of Sylvester" Ryfun, Roth from Wyoming, Aussie Nate, and The Burgeler himself, Jeremy Burgess give their thoughts on the awards given, those snubbed, who should have won and who did win based on The 11th Annual Deucie Awards, episode 626.

Next, a little extra Jeremy Burgess, giving his thoughts on possible winners of the Deucie Screenplay Award.

If this is your first time listening to our show... we beg you, find another episode to get used to us.

If you are a regular listener... first, we're sorry, but then, THANKS and enjoy the randomness this week, and we'll see you for Documentaries next week!

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